The Shape That Forms My Self (2023)
Oil, enamel, acrylic, and Flashe on canvas over wood cradles
Each panel 48 x 72 inches; total 144 x 72 inches
Interior-02 (2023)
Oil, enamel, acrylic, and Flashe on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Interior-01 (2023)
Oil, enamel, acrylic, and Flashe on canvas
24 x 18 inches
Image courtesy of Arturo Sanchez
Construction-04 (2023)
Oil, acrylic, and Flashe on canvas over wood cradle
63 x 63 inches
Construction-03 (2023)
Oil, acrylic, and Flashe on canvas over wood cradle
63 x 63 inches
Pixel-02 (2023)
Acrylic on stretched canvas
32 x 50 inches